Click below to download a paper presented at the 2016 Annual Alberta Expropriation Conference titled:
"Showing Your Case: New Opportunities for Demonstrative Evidence", by Keith Wilson, B.A., LL.B.
Click below to download a paper presented at the 2016 Annual Alberta Expropriation Conference titled:
"Showing Your Case: New Opportunities for Demonstrative Evidence", by Keith Wilson, B.A., LL.B.
Click below to download a paper presented at the 2016 Annual Alberta Expropriation Conference titled:
"Showing Your Case: New Opportunities for Demonstrative Evidence", by Keith Wilson, B.A., LL.B.
Click below to download a paper presented at the 2016 Annual Alberta Expropriation Conference titled:
"Showing Your Case: New Opportunities for Demonstrative Evidence", by Keith Wilson, B.A., LL.B.

In the event that a hearing room is not equipped to display Veritas demonstrative evidence aids, Veritas Litigation Support offers a display services including display set-up and take-down, as well as an evidence technician to operate the equipment during the hearing. Our hearing and display support service is designed to ensure the presentation of the evidence runs smoothly regardless of where the hearing is located.

Hearing Operator